AB Transitio’s mission

Our mission

We procure and manage the rail vehicles that our owners need for their operations, and we also act as a knowledge partner and resource within the railways area. The mass of knowledge and experience within AB Transitio provides support and quality assurance for our owners.

AB Transitios basaffär är anskaffning, finansiering och förvaltning av spårfordon till sina ägare.

AB Transitio’s mission

Procurement of
rail vehicles

One of AB Transitio’s most important tasks is procuring the rail vehicles that our owners need for their regional transport operations. This takes place through the usual procurement processes which require substantial competence, not least for preparing the technical specifications and evaluating different tenders.
Example of such aquisistions include the procurement are 60 Dosto multiple-unit electric trains from Stadler 2019-2022. Example of such aquisistions include the procurement of some 60 Dosto multiple-unit electric trains from Stadler 2019-2022 to Mälardalstrafiken, Uppsalatrafiken and to Tåg i Bergslagen.

AB Transitio’s mission

Financing of
rail vehicles

Rail vehicles are acquired on behalf of our owners and thereafter leased out to them. The owners who place orders for rail vehicles through AB Transitio are required to provide a standard guarantee for AB Transitio's undertaking. This is done by the owner in question issuing a legally binding guarantee commitment. If appropriate, the owners may also arrange the financing themselves.

AB Transitio’s mission

Management of
rail vehicles

An essential part of our obligation to lessees is the management of the rail vehicles. The purpose of this is to ensure the value of our rolling stock and improve its functionality and performance over the technical estimated useful life, 25-30 years.

AB Transitio har en dedikerad fordonsansvarig per fordonstyp. See contacts

Those who lease our rolling stock are responsible for ensuring and following up the quality of the light preventive maintenance and the corrective maintenance, per the applicable maintenance programme and documentation, as well as the provision of all necessary parts for these activities. This is conducted via agreements between the lessee and the contracted transport operator or maintenance services provider.

Management of the rolling stock
mainly consists of:

  • Procurement and performance of heavy maintenance.
  • Planning of heavy maintenance, refurbishments and modifications.
  • Providing high-value components for heavy preventive maintenance.
  • Vehicle documentation.
  • Following up the quality of maintenance performed.
  • Following up safety, reliability and functionality when in operation.
  • Monitoring new authority requirements.
  • Improving vehicles and maintenance incl. documentation.
  • Providing vehicle data systems for reporting and registration.
  • Managing and leading follow-up and development meetings with lessees and operators/maintenance service providers.
  • Supporting owners/lessees with vehicle-specific skills (e.g. procurement of transport/vehicle maintenance).

Terms and instructions for property insurance

Villkor och anvisningar för nyttjande av AB Transitios egendomsförsäkring gällande från 2024-01-01


Maintenance documentation and spare parts catalogue


Maintenance documentation and spare parts catalogue


Maintenance documentation and spare parts catalogue


Maintenance documentation and spare parts catalogue


Maintenance documentation and spare parts catalogue

Other management documents